Unique Fashion Jobs


The fashion industry is constantly growing and the same can be said for jobs. The apparel industry has grown by 62.9% since June 2020, which means that more jobs are becoming available in the industry. With an industry that is fast paced and constantly growing companies start to offer positions to people in specific areas.

  • Search Trend Analyst: The job requires you to analyze site search query logs to figure new and interesting patterns in how people shop and create outfits. 

  • Trend Scout: Perfect for someone who likes to stay on top of trends and determine what trends are next. This job involves attending fashion shows and studying street style. After you will report back and let your client know what should be included in their next collection. 

  • Pop-Up Store Designer: For this job, you will design pop-up shops to help bring buzz for your client’s products or line. 

  • Natural Dye Maker: If you are interested in ethical fashion then this job is for you. The job focuses on using natural and safe sources to dye fabrics for clients.

  • Fashion Florist: Combing fashion and flowers, this job involves creating floral arrangements for your clients to use in campaigns and shows. 

  • Color Expert: Your job is to advise designers and production managers on all aspects of colo and what it means for a particular garment or product. 

  • Technical Designer/Garment Technician: This job requires you to figure out how to turn a 2D sketch into a 3D garment and make sure the garment is constructed right and fits well for all sizes. You will also have to make adjustments when needed, conduct fittings on models, and communicate any changes to the factory. 

  • Runway Technician: This job mixes fashion and technology and requires you to be responsible for the lighting, cameras, music, and all of the other event production details. 

  • Fashion Real Estate Agent: If you are interested in both real estate and fashion then this job is great for you. This job requires you to be responsible for helping fashion brands find offices, retail locations, and warehouse spaces. 

  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility Operations: This job involves coming up with initiatives aimed at conscious consumers while establishing more environmentally friendly production systems. 


Fashion jobs in the USA. (n.d.). FashionUnited. Retrieved November 24, 2021, from https://fashionunited.com/fashion-jobs

Statista. (2021, November 22). Year-over--year apparel sales growth in US 2021. Retrieved November 24, 2021, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/1237040/yoy-apparel-sales-growth-us/#:%7E:text=Year%2Dover%2D%2Dyear%20apparel%20sales%20growth%20in%20US%202021&text=In%20June%202021%2C%20sales%20of,slower%20pace%2C%20by%2012.7%20percent.

Business Wire. (2021, May 24). Businesswire. Retrieved November 24, 2021, from https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210524005342/en/Global-Fast-Fashion-Market-Report-2021-to-2030---COVID-19-Growth-and-Change---ResearchAndMarkets.com

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