Artist Spotlight: Amy Yeung


Artist Spotlight is a fashion-focused segment that takes a deep dive into the unique backstories and their creative processes. Highlighting the fashion industry's hidden gems and innovative talents.


In 2015 Amy Yeung, who is Diné and Navajo, launched her brand Orenda Tribe, after quitting her job where she designed for fast fashion brands for over 30 years. Yeung realised that she wanted to live more sustainably and protect the earth and stop designing for big-box fashion. Yeung’s fashion collections largely curate vintage and upcycled clothing. The brand takes a sustainable approach to design and incorporates her culture’s tradition. Another way Yeung uses fashion to honor her roots is through collaborations, mainly offering a variety of Indigenous-made products. Supporting fellow designers and creatives in her community is how Yeung works to empower the Indigenous community.


  • Buchanan, L. (2021, January 5). Why This Fashion Entrepreneur Moved From L.A. to a Navajo Reservation to Run Her Own Clothing Business. Inc.Com. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

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