Brand Spotlight: Paloma Wool


Photo Cred: Vanity Fair

Paloma Wool is a creative project and brand based in Barcelona, Spain, and was created by Paloma Lanna in 2014. When Lanna was younger her parents were in the process of building their own fashion brand and they included her in the process of it. While attending university she became creatively restless and decided to start experimenting with film photography.

The first piece from Paloma Wool was a limited edition sweatshirts that included printed photographs that Lanna took. A copy of the photograph that was printed on the sweatshirt was sent along with each purchase. Paloma Wool is a brand that breaks the rules and timeless pieces that express the art around getting dressed.

Paloma Wool also practices sustainability using local manufacturers and often designs and collaborates with local artists, photographers, and illustrators. Lanna works with her close group of friends and they inspire each other in each of their own works.


Instagram: @palomawool



Paloma Lanna — Paloma Wool, Founder. (2000, January 2). Incu. Retrieved January 23, 2022, from

Hobbs, J. (2020, May 1). Spanish label Paloma Wool is behind Kaia Gerber’s Instagram book-club outfits. Vogue India. Retrieved January 23, 2022, from

Ordoñez, L. (2019, September 7). Successful eCommerce case: The Story of Paloma Wool. Oleoshop. Retrieved January 23, 2022, from

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